BUREAU COUNTY'S BUREAU COUNTY OTHER CONGRESSMEN HISTORY CENTER 1911, JIM DUNN, SPEAKER SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1PM PRINCETON PUBLIC LIBRARY ADMISSION: FREE Congressman Owen Lovejoy is a beloved figure in Princeton and Bureau County, so much so that, for more than half a century, his legacy has been celebrated during the Homestead Festival every September. Speaker Jim Dunn, president of the Bureau County History Center Board, will present the stories of four other congressmen with deep connections to Bureau County. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT BUREAUHISTORY.ORG OR SCAN THE CODE. BUREAU COUNTY'S BUREAU COUNTY OTHER CONGRESSMEN HISTORY CENTER 1911 , JIM DUNN , SPEAKER SATURDAY , AUGUST 10 , 1PM PRINCETON PUBLIC LIBRARY ADMISSION : FREE Congressman Owen Lovejoy is a beloved figure in Princeton and Bureau County , so much so that , for more than half a century , his legacy has been celebrated during the Homestead Festival every September . Speaker Jim Dunn , president of the Bureau County History Center Board , will present the stories of four other congressmen with deep connections to Bureau County . FOR MORE INFORMATION , VISIT BUREAUHISTORY.ORG OR SCAN THE CODE .