BUREAU COUNTY Est. HISTORY CENTER- 1911 Bureau County History Center in collaboration with the Walnut Historical Society presents: History of Avanti Foods' Swiss Chalet Jim Dunn, Speaker seasons GREETINGS Saturday, April 5 - 2pm at The Rock 125 Jackson Street, Walnut, IL Event is free, light snacks will be available, and it is open to the public. For more information, call 815.875.2184 BUREAU COUNTY Est . HISTORY CENTER- 1911 Bureau County History Center in collaboration with the Walnut Historical Society presents : History of Avanti Foods ' Swiss Chalet Jim Dunn , Speaker seasons GREETINGS Saturday , April 5 - 2pm at The Rock 125 Jackson Street , Walnut , IL Event is free , light snacks will be available , and it is open to the public . For more information , call 815.875.2184