Do you provide care for a loved one with memory loss or dementia? We know caregiving is rewarding, but can be stressful! CAREGIVER STRESS-BUSTING DEMENTIA PROGRAM UT Health San Antonio WELLMED Who Family caregivers of a loved one with memory loss or dementia Caregivers coping with the stress of caring Caregivers looking to care for themselves, too What Learn stress management techniques, relaxation, & coping strategies Workbook & materials for take home study & practice Holistic program focused on the caregiver Meets 90 minutes weekly for 9 weeks Small group size For more information or to register for the program, please call: 815-879-3981 800-544-5955 16 West Marion Street, Princeton, IL 61356 Do you provide care for a loved one with memory loss or dementia ? We know caregiving is rewarding , but can be stressful ! CAREGIVER STRESS - BUSTING DEMENTIA PROGRAM UT Health San Antonio WELLMED Who Family caregivers of a loved one with memory loss or dementia Caregivers coping with the stress of caring Caregivers looking to care for themselves , too What Learn stress management techniques , relaxation , & coping strategies Workbook & materials for take home study & practice Holistic program focused on the caregiver Meets 90 minutes weekly for 9 weeks Small group size For more information or to register for the program , please call : 815-879-3981 800-544-5955 16 West Marion Street , Princeton , IL 61356