You're not alone! We have support & resources to help you! Does your love one suffer from.... Dementia Alzheimer's Vascular Dementia Dementia with Lewy Bodies Frontotemporal Dementia Parkinson's Dementia Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease A Caregiver that just needs a break Are you a Family Caregiver or Grandparent raising " grandchildren? Are you a grandparent raising a grandchildren? Needing help with school enrollment? Help with school clothes? Help paying for children extracurriculas or camps? We have funding options available for you to use! Stop in & see Celia at our office! Bureau County Senior Citizens Association WÏAAA Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging United Way 815-879-3981.800-544-5955 LIKE US ON f facebook 16 West Marion Street Princeton, IL 61356 You're not alone ! We have support & resources to help you ! Does your love one suffer from .... Dementia Alzheimer's Vascular Dementia Dementia with Lewy Bodies Frontotemporal Dementia Parkinson's Dementia Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Creutzfeldt - Jakob Disease A Caregiver that just needs a break Are you a Family Caregiver or Grandparent raising " grandchildren ? Are you a grandparent raising a grandchildren ? Needing help with school enrollment ? Help with school clothes ? Help paying for children extracurriculas or camps ? We have funding options available for you to use ! Stop in & see Celia at our office ! Bureau County Senior Citizens Association WÏAAA Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging United Way 815-879-3981.800-544-5955 LIKE US ON f facebook 16 West Marion Street Princeton , IL 61356