#FIGHT FLU Q: How does flu spread? P: ¿Cómo se propaga la influenza? A: Most experts believe that flu viruses spread person to person, mainly by tiny droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze, or talk. R: La mayoria de los expertos cree que los virus de la influenza se propagan de persona a persona, principalmente a través de gotitas minúsculas que se forman cuando las personas con influenza tosen, estornudan o hablan. Bureau, Putnam & Marshall County Health Departments Public Health Prevent. Promote. Protect. 526 S. Bureau Valley Pkwy, Suite A Princeton, IL 61356 815.872.5091 NUMAN HEALTH & SERVICES A 220 East High St. Suite 101 Hennepin, IL 61327 815.872.2324 CDC 319 6th St. Lacon, IL 61540 309.246.8074 #FIGHT FLU Q : How does flu spread ? P : ¿ Cómo se propaga la influenza ? A : Most experts believe that flu viruses spread person to person , mainly by tiny droplets made when people with flu cough , sneeze , or talk . R : La mayoria de los expertos cree que los virus de la influenza se propagan de persona a persona , principalmente a través de gotitas minúsculas que se forman cuando las personas con influenza tosen , estornudan o hablan . Bureau , Putnam & Marshall County Health Departments Public Health Prevent . Promote . Protect . 526 S. Bureau Valley Pkwy , Suite A Princeton , IL 61356 815.872.5091 NUMAN HEALTH & SERVICES A 220 East High St. Suite 101 Hennepin , IL 61327 815.872.2324 CDC 319 6th St. Lacon , IL 61540 309.246.8074